Wednesday, January 20, 2010

For the Love of Bacon

And to think, it all started with a pig………  One of the least respected, disdained animals in the world.  Think about it, how many times have you heard someone say, “you dirty rotten pig”, or “your room is a pig sty” and at one time in history a certain law enforcement group was commonly referred to as “pigs”.  You get the idea.  However, when I think of pigs, I could get down on my knees ala Wayne and Garth chanting “I’m not worthy”.  Why is this?  Bacon.  Simple, delicious, yummy bacon.  And, I am not alone.  There is definitely a bacon cult.  There are those who eat, breathe, wear bacon.  Each day of their life.  And thank God, there are bacon purveyors that understand the need for bacon gifts in our lives.  What is so cool, is that one can easily incorporate bacon into their everyday lives.  Hence: this blog.  Here is my space to share with you some of my fave bacon products, and I invite you to share yours with me!
You had me at Bacon

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