Monday, January 25, 2010

Food Ink

I love the commitment involved with branding.  And there truly is no better self expression art form than the tattoo.  But for those who are shy of the needle, or fear  of becoming a vegan is something in their future, Mark Pahlow and his creative crew of Accoutrements created temporary tattos made with the foodie in mind. Here's some more from Pahlow:

 "The advent of the celebrity chef has finally done away with the idea that food is made by effete snobs in ivory towers -- ivory kitchens? -- who only enjoy `fancy food,'" Pahlow says. One of his favorite foodies is that cig-smoking, cookbook- and memoir-writing, foul-mouthed hunk of beefcake Anthony Bourdain. Pahlow says his inspiration for the book-o-tats came after watching Bourdain get a real tattoo in a Malaysian jungle in one of his TV-show episodes. "When he travels to foreign lands to eat fantastic roasted pork as he sits cross-legged in a dirty hut, he reveals the true spirit of the foodie," says Pahlow. "Food lovers are adventurous and passionate people, so the idea of tattoos for them is a natural fit."

The food-lover's faux-tattoo book is "perfect for those who love food or are in the food business, yet don't have the nerve to face a real tattoo needle and live with the result the rest of their lives," Pahlow says.
I'll ink to that :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Bacon Vodka - Quench Your Thirst

Now, the day wouldn't be complete without a satisying bacony cocktail to end the day.  As the bacon cult has grown, so has the list of cocktails that contain bacon.  Surprised?  Don't be.  Many mixologists recognize the versatility, flavor and intrinsic taste value of bacon, why not indulge their clientele?  So, we now have the Bacon Martini, the Bacon Bloody Mary, even Baconcello - the list goes on and on for carvivorous cocktailers.  And, for our adventuous vegan consumers, you will not be ignored! Bakon Vodka, now available in most recognized establishments  and stocked on many shelves, actually contains no bacon at all. And for those who are experimenting with their own mixology techniques, I share with you a special recipe:

Homemade Bacon Vodka (makes one pint)
Fry up three strips of bacon.

Add cooked bacon to a clean pint sized mason jar. Trim the ends of the bacon if they are too tall to fit in the jar. Or you could go hog wild and just pile in a bunch of fried up bacon scraps. Optional: add crushed black peppercorns.

Fill the jar up with vodka. Cap and place in a dark cupboard for at least three weeks. That’s right- I didn’t refrigerate it.

At the end of the three week resting period, place the bacon vodka in the freezer to solidify the fats. Strain out the fats through a coffee filter to yield a clear filtered pale yellow bacon vodka.

Decant into decorative bottles and enjoy.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The bacontainer

Now for all of you on the Atkins Diet, this is a scrumptious way to stay on track, however, even if you are not on a high protein, no carb diet, this is still a scrumptious way to feast.  Now, don't be fooled, no reason to allow only veggies in the bacontainer, open your mind and your pantry -  a little scrambled eggs, possibly some mac and cheese or mashed potatoes.....Yummmmm!   To learn how to make these bacon baskets navigate over to Not Martha.  Stay hungry my friends.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

For the Love of Bacon

And to think, it all started with a pig………  One of the least respected, disdained animals in the world.  Think about it, how many times have you heard someone say, “you dirty rotten pig”, or “your room is a pig sty” and at one time in history a certain law enforcement group was commonly referred to as “pigs”.  You get the idea.  However, when I think of pigs, I could get down on my knees ala Wayne and Garth chanting “I’m not worthy”.  Why is this?  Bacon.  Simple, delicious, yummy bacon.  And, I am not alone.  There is definitely a bacon cult.  There are those who eat, breathe, wear bacon.  Each day of their life.  And thank God, there are bacon purveyors that understand the need for bacon gifts in our lives.  What is so cool, is that one can easily incorporate bacon into their everyday lives.  Hence: this blog.  Here is my space to share with you some of my fave bacon products, and I invite you to share yours with me!
You had me at Bacon