Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bacon Gifts, of course!

          Bacon gifts, why didn’t I think of this earlier?  Sometimes I find myself stuck when getting people gifts…..Of course , there is always a shirt or sweater, piece of jewelry…you get my drift.  But when seeking something a “little outside the box” without wanting to be too personal i.e. read “boss from hell” here --- or for that friend who always knows exactly what to get people that literally no one else would ever think of --- and I would like to return the favor – I am now turning to the culinary arts.  There are tons of gadgets and cookbooks and spices and seasonings and….well the list goes on and on….But I am totally hooked on giving bacon gifts.  Now, mind you, I have no vegan friends or relatives for that matter, so that makes it an easy decision.  But the world is totally screaming about bacon – with the addition of bacon vodka, bacon gum, bacon is totally the flavor of the month, every month.  This does make gift buying quite a bit easier.  Not only that, there are a plethora of bacon gifts out there.  For instance, the bacon belt, the bacon watch and bacon dental care – yep, bacon floss with some bacon flavored gum….still seeking bacon toothpaste though.

So, the next time you are stuck for a unique and original idea for a gift, go to the place that invokes fond, salivating memories, and grab some bacon gifts, the recipient will love it!

You Had Me at Bacon

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