Friday, August 20, 2010

I Love Bacon and There Isn’t Anything You Can Do About It

Bacon is delicious.  It almost feels like we could end this right there.  That one simple statement tells the story for millions of us.  But we cannot stop there, because there is more to it.  As a much as I love bacon I know it is not the most healthy thing for me to be eating.  It is hard to admit, but it is true.  In fact, I have actually cut back on my bacon consumption.  It was not easy, but it was something we all have to do sometimes, that or we end up paying the piper.  In this case, the piper would be the cardiologist.  So what can you do to still enjoy bacon and minimize the risks of poor health?

First, we should get something clear I am not going to tell you to eat turkey bacon, or low sodium bacon, or any of those other fake bacons.  What I am talking about is straight from the pig, high fat, bad for you bacon.  It is the only kind a self respecting bacon lover will eat.  So, here is how I enjoy my daily dose of bacon, and still keep my doctors at bay.  First, if you are going to eat the bacon that you love so much, you need to do it in moderation.  It is easy to sit down and eat the whole pound, but you have to stop doing that or you will be flat on your back clutching your chest before you turn 50.  Next, you need to cut out some of the other unhealthy foods in your diet.  Bacon takes away an awful lot of your cheating points.  Enjoying your bacon means making sacrifices everywhere else.  Finally get out and get some exercise.  Make sure to keep that ticker, tickin’.  You know what bacon grease looks like after it has been sitting in a pan for an hour; well that is what it is doing inside you too.  The only way to keep those arteries unclogged and still enjoy delicious bacon, is to get out there and get your heart rate up, and no your heart racing right before the bacon hits your lips does not count.

I love bacon, and I should not have to deprive myself of something that has been a staple of our diet, and our parent’s diet, and their parent’s diet just because a few doctors say it is not good for you.  Ok so there is more than a few.  The point is, bacon is just like everything else, if you eat it in moderation, it is not going to kill you.  Please enjoy your bacon, but do it responsibly.

You Had Me at Bacon

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