Monday, September 20, 2010

How to Buy Bacon

When you are heading to the store to buy bacon, it is extremely important to keep the following two things in mind:
In these tough economic times we are always looking for a way to save money. One should not apply this rule to bacon though. If you head out and purchase the cheapest bacon out there you will likely get sick, as cheap bacon is mostly fat. Yes, believe it or not, it is possible to buy bacon which has more fat in it than normal! While you won't want to go out and purchase the most expensive bacon either, you do need to remember you will get what you pay for.
When you are looking around at the different packages of bacon you will want to choose a package where you can see the bacon clearly. You want to be able to see the bacon, so that you can properly judge its color. Bacon is usually that nice pinky-red color, and if it deviates at all from that, you don't want to buy it.  If your package of bacon is mostly white, it clearly has more fat then meat, and won't be providing good value for your money. You will still be paying for it because it is part of the overall weight, but it is not the most nutritious. So, always be sure to check the color of the bacon before heading to the checkout.
If you keep the two things above in mind when you head out to buy bacon, you will be sure to make the right purchase. All that is left to do once you have gotten the bacon back home is to fry it up, and enjoy.
You Had Me at Bacon
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